A Level Drama & Theatre

What will be studied?

The course provides an opportunity to study plays from the points of view of a director, designer, performer and critic. You will acquire a knowledge and understanding of the language of drama and theatre and develop performance and analytical skills.

Each part of the creative process is studied with practical opportunities to develop skills in both production and performance roles. Individual creativity is nurtured along with the challenges of collaboration both practically and academically.

This A-level would suit anyone interested in the creative process of making theatre, its history and its role in a world crowded with alternative forms of entertainment.

How will I be assessed?

A level Drama and Theatre is assessed through a combination of a 40% written exam and 60% practical/reflective work.


Devising (40%) – This unit requires the creation and performance of an original piece of theatre based on a prescribed stimulus and influenced by the work of a significant theatre practitioner. Assessment is carried out for both process, performance and the accompanying portfolio which will include images, sourced items, films and text.


Text in Performance (20%) – This requires students to produce an edited version of a published play to be performed to an external examiner. You will also produce a 2-3 minute monologue from a contrasting play for the assessment. The component will further enhance your understanding of the role of the director, actor and designer in the rehearsal process as well as facing the challenge of performance. You will be marked on voice, movement, character and communication.


Theatre Makers in Practice (40%) – This component, studied throughout the two years culminates in the final written exam that will be in three parts.

Section A requires you to respond to a question about a live theatre performance you have seen and studied in class.

Section B requires two extended response questions based on an unseen extract from a performance text you have studied in class. This question will be based around the roles of the actor and the designer.

Section C requires you to answer one extended response question based on a second set text focusing on the role of the director and how your personal interpretation would be influenced by the study of one significant theatre practitioner.

What next?

A level Drama and Theatre can lead directly to work or a range of different courses in further education. Students thrive in a creative and communicative environment and are seen by universities as generally ‘well rounded, developed’ individuals. Drama is an established subject at Post-16 level and opens many doors to future employment, education and careers.

Further Information:

If you need any further information about studying A Level Drama and Theatre, please contact:

Mrs Moynihan-Case – smoynihancase@bluecoat.uk.com

Contact Us

Bluecoat Sixth Form
Aspley Lane

E-mail: BAAsixthform@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7215

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