Our Sixth Form

Our Results

Progress and Average Grades

For more information, click here 

Average Grade (and APS) Local Authority state-funded schools/colleges England all schools/colleges
A Level B- (37.32) B- (35.18) B (38.87)
Academic B- (37.23) B- (35.28) B (39.04)
Applied General Merit+ (28.57) Dist+ (30.42) Dist- (31.98)
Tech Level Dist- (30.00) Merit+ (29.98) Dist- (30.56)

Destinations: Students staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after 16 to 18 (Level 3) study

Students who left 16 to 18 study at this school or college in 2020, who either stayed in education or went into employment from October to March the following year, or stayed in an apprenticeship for at least 6 months.

The data published in January 2023 is for all students who left 16-18 study at this school or college in 2020, regardless of the qualification that they took:

Total No. of Students 273
Total No. of Students staying in education or employment 88% (240)
Academy name Bluecoat Aspley Academy
Academy percentage 88%
LA percentage 77%
England percentage 79%

Notes for guidance

Please note that Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the Department for Education advise that you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data between schools or colleges

A Level figures are based on students who entered at least one A Level or AS Level. A Levels are available in a wide range of subjects, see our course guide/prospectus. Course Guide

Academic qualifications include A Levels and other ‘Level 3’ academic qualifications such EPQ and Mathematical Studies.

Applied General are ‘level 3’ qualifications. These tend to be larger programmes equivalent to two A levels at Bluecoat Sixth Form. These figures are based on students who were entered for at least one applied general qualification.

Tech Levels are level 3 qualifications for students wishing to develop the specialist skills and knowledge for a technical occupation or industry.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Sixth Form
Aspley Lane

E-mail: BAAsixthform@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7215

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