
Achievement and Progress

As a Sixth Form, we are committed to ensuring that each student reaches their potential during their time with us in order to equip them with the results and skills necessary for their chosen future.

We recognise that the demands of Sixth Form study are challenging on many levels. Not only can the subject content and workload be challenging but also students are required to learn how to work independently and develop effective time management skills as they learn. While students may face these challenges and develop management strategies on their own, our aim is always to intervene as early as possible, if the need arises, in order to support every student.

To support and celebrate progress we run a variety of sessions to focusing on achievement and progress. An example of which are below:

Booster Sessions:

Designed to help improve attainment and progress through development of study skills and subject specific knowledge to assist students in their preparation for exams. These are centred on how to develop metacognition, consolidations and revision techniques.

Peer Mentoring:

Students are nominated by their teachers for a peer mentoring scheme. They then work alongside staff and the Academic Student Ambassador to create and lead revision sessions for other students.

Attitude to learning monitoring:

Students’ attitude to learning (ATL) is monitored throughout the academic year based on the descriptors below. If a students’ ATL is less than engaged, intervention is put in place to ensure that all students are getting the most out of their education. Our ATL descriptors are based around the critical thinking skills that we aim to develop in our learners.


Contact Us

Bluecoat Sixth Form
Aspley Lane

E-mail: BAAsixthform@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7215

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Bluecoat Sixth Form