What will be studied?
The course is divided into 3 components taught across year 12 and year 13.
- Component 1: the breadth study will focus on the Tudors: England, 1485-1603. Investigating key questions such as: how effectively did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of the monarchy? How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured? How far did intellectual and religious ideas change and develop and with what effects?
- Component 2: the depth study will focus on either:
- France in Revolution, 1774-1815. This option will enquire into the change in the relationship between the ruler and the governed. A study of France in Revolution embraces concepts such as enlightenment, democracy, republic and dictatorship. It also encourages consideration of issues such as the relationship between rulers and the ruled, the place of the Church in the State, the power of the people and promote reflection on what makes a perpetuates revolution.
- The American Dream: reality and illusion, 1945 -1980.This option provides for a study in depth of the challenges faced by the USA at home and abroad as it emerged from the Second World War as a Superpower.
- Component 3: completed in year 13 will comprise of a historical investigation (NEA – personal study) of which you have free reign to choose between the topics of Russia 1855 – 1955 or History of Women 1830 -1930.
How will I be assessed?
At A-Level students will sit exams in components 1 and 2. Both exams will have 3 questions: 1 compulsory source question and a choice of 3 essay questions. Students will also submit component 3 their historical investigation – a non-examined assessment element.
What next?
Having A-Level History can open you up to a world of possibilities. The course gives you skills in writing, contextual knowledge and research skills. Universities and employers look incredibly favourably upon applicants with A-Level History. Amongst the many courses where A-level history is required such as modern history, ancient history, archaeology, amongst others there are a number of courses where history at A-level is desirable such as law. Possible career possibilities from studying A-level history include being a teacher, museum curator, excavator, researchers, lawyer, various television roles, author and many more.
Further Information:
If you need any further information about studying History, please contact:
Mrs Hornsby – ehornsby@bluecoat.uk.com or Mrs Wordsworth – nwordsworth@bluecoat.uk.com