What will be studied?
The course is taught across 3 components: Philosophy, Ethics and Christian Development.
Content from year 1 is continued into year 2, with additional content studied also.
Philosophy (Year 1)
Learners will study:
- Ancient Philosophical Influences
- The Nature of The Soul, Mind and Body
- The Nature and Impact of Religious Experience
- The Challenge for Religious Belief of The Problem of Evil
Ethics (Year 1)
Learners will study:
- Natural Law
- Situation Ethics
- Kantian Ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Business Ethics
- Euthanasia
Christian development (Year 1)
Learners will study:
- Religious Beliefs, Values and Teachings, their Interconnections and How They Vary Historically and in the Contemporary World
- Sources of Religious Wisdom and Authority
- Practices Which Shape and Express Religious Identity, and How These Vary Within a Tradition
Philosophy (Year 2)
All of the above and
- Ideas About the Nature of God
- Issues in Religious Language.
Ethics (Year 2)
All of the above and
- Ethical Language and Thought
- Debates Surrounding the Significant Idea of Conscience
- Sexual Ethics and the Influence on Ethical Thought of Developments in Religious Beliefs
Christian Development (Year 2)
All of the above and
- Significant Social and Historical Developments in Theology and Religious Thought
- Key Themes Related to the Relationship Between Religion and Society
How will I be assessed?
The course is assessed at the end of the second year through 3 exams
(Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Ethics, Development in Religious Thought)
Weighting: 33.3% per exam
Time: 2 hours
Marks: 120 marks
Answering: 3 out of 4 essays questions
What next?
Religious Studies is a highly regarded academic subject and is accepted by all higher education establishments. There are a host of careers for which the qualification is useful including journalism, medicine, law, education and civil services. Many previous students have gone into occupations where they are working with people.
Further Information:
If you need any further information about studying Religious Studies, please contact:
Mr Duffy – mduffy@bluecoat.uk.com