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Bluecoat Sixth Form Celebrate student destinations following A Level Results!

Written by Alaina Wood, Head of Bluecoat Sixth Form

Bluecoat Sixth Form has inclusivity at the heart of its values, meaning results day for me is an opportunity to celebrate our students as individuals. This results day we have so much to celebrate! I am so proud of the students and their wonderful results. I feel honoured to have been a part of their journey on to the next stage of their academic or employment pathway.

This particular cohort of students have largely been pursuing ambitions in engineering, business, nursing, law, and careers in science, and I look forward to seeing them succeeding in these areas as they leave us for higher education, degree apprenticeships and employment.

Below are just a few stories of success following results day, beginning with two particularly notable stories of students who have lived out our values of faith and hope, by not giving up despite difficult circumstances.

Keanna Wright has suffered throughout her A Level studies from long-covid symptoms, with fatigue making day to day activities difficult. Despite this, Keanna leaves us with A*A*AA in Computing, Mathematics, Further Maths and Physics and she goes on to study Mathematics at the University of Nottingham.

Joseph Shabantu was admitted to hospital in April with limb weakness and pain and was diagnosed with Bilateral lower limb weakness and FND (Functional Neurological Disorder). Joseph could not write or communicate by written means without extreme fatigue and we did not think he would be able to complete his courses this year. Joseph was determined to not let this happen and worked tirelessly with physiotherapy and his team to focus on his recovery. He leaves us to pursue Business Management and Entrepreneurship at Nottingham Trent University having achieved Distinction, Distinction and D in his qualifications.

Samuel Imade has been successful in his application to study a Degree Apprenticeship in Supply Chain Logistics and Business Planning with Airbus. He leaves us having achieved D*D in Business BTEC and Merit in Applied Science BTEC. Sam has supported us this year with other students who have hoped for success in their applications, and has promised to come back next year to help the next year group! He has been an absolute super star and we know he will go far!

Sara Banarab leaves us to study Law at the University of Leicester having achieved AAB in Politics, Sociology and Psychology. Sara wanted to give special thanks to her year leader for supporting her through a difficult exams season.

Emily Chappell will study Social and Political Sciences at the University of York having received AAB in History, Sociology and RS, as well as an A in her EPQ, which was a study into the portrayal of women throughout Disney films and whether they could be considered feminist. Emily is grateful to all her teachers and her form tutor for their support.

Lila Fillis will study Psychology at the University of Edinburgh, having achieved A*AB in Psychology, Maths and Chemistry. Lila wanted to give a mention to her teaching staff and year leader, as she doesn’t feel she could have overcome some of the emotional struggles she faced without them.

Sabaa Ayub achieved AAA in our Health & Social Care NCFE CACHE qualification and will go on to Nottingham Trent University to study Adult Nursing. Sabaa wants to thank her health & social care teachers and pastoral staff who worked with her on her journey of ups and downs and went the extra mile to push her to this excellent outcome.

Zuhran Asif goes on to study Psychology at the University of Lincoln having achieved BBB in English Language, History and Psychology. These grades are the product of a lot of hard work –  in fact Zuhran achieved the celebration of success award for English Language two years in a row! He says he is thankful for his teachers who supported him along the way.

Dev Masani will take up his place to study Sport and Exercise Psychology with a placement year at Loughborough University now that he has received results of D*D* in Sport and B in Economics. Dev wanted to particularly thank his Sports teachers who helped him to get his place at the top ranked university for studying sport.

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Bluecoat Sixth Form
Aspley Lane

Tel: 0115 900 7215

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