What will be studied?
Year 1 topics
A range of content will be covered from Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. Some of the content will be building on GCSE knowledge whereas others are new. These topics include: Atomic structure; Amount of substance; Bonding; Energetics; Kinetics; Chemical equilibria; Periodicity; Group 2 metals; Group 7 elements; Alkanes; Alkenes; Alcohols and Organic analysis.
Year 2 topics
In the second year of the course, there are also elements of Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. These topics are: Thermodynamics; Equilibrium constant; Electrode potentials; Acids and bases; Properties of Period 3 Elements; Transition Metals; Optical Isomerism; Aldehydes and Ketones; Aromatic Chemistry; Amines; Polymers; Organic Synthesis; NMR Spectroscopy and Chromatography.
How will I be assessed?
The A Level course culminates in three examinations worth between 30 and 35% of the A Level. The papers contain a range of question types and the third paper at A Level is a synoptic paper covering the entire A Level course.
Practical work is integral to the course and is examined within the written papers.
What next?
Chemistry at A Level opens many doors including going to university or directly into employment. A range of Science degrees offer opportunities in research. Additionally those students who have an ambition to study Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry or Pharmacy would be strongly advised to study Chemistry at A Level.
Further Information:
If you need any further information about studying Chemistry at A Level, please contact:
Miss Knight – lknight@bluecoat.uk.com