
Autumn Term 2022

At Bluecoat, we love to see our students reading. This term, we have launched a “Get Caught Reading” initiative: staff will be keeping an eye out for students reading in their free time over the school day.

All students “caught” reading around school by staff will be entered into a termly draw for Amazon vouchers. Our most frequently caught readers will also be able to select a free book from our prize box.

I can’t wait to see what students are reading and have the opportunity to talk to them about their books!

BookTok picks❤️

So many of our students are enjoying reading books recommended on TikTok that we have made a special display of what we have so far – more are in the pipeline!

Display board with TikTok book recommendations.

Religious Studies refresh

We are delighted to have recently ordered a number of new books to update our for A-Level Religion subject shelves. These include new revision guides and new philosophical works for the Philosophy of Religion module. As you can see, we have also recommended a number of fiction books which consider key aspects of Christianity in a lighthearted, accessible way: specific topics include mortality, the afterlife, and God’s authority.

Display of fiction and non-fiction books linked to Religious Studies.

Black History Month

At Bluecoat, we understand that Black history should be celebrated all year round, but here in the library we didn’t want to let such an important month pass without also celebrating it overtly. We’re proud of the number of books we have by and about Black authors, so we showed them off with not one, but three different themed table displays. It was a delight to see the enthusiastic response from students, with one student informing me that she plans to read them ALL. 🙂

Black History Month display featuring books about race relations.
Fiction, non-fiction and poetry books about race relations and the Black experience.
Black History Month display featuring classic and award winning books by black authors.
A display spotlighting history-defining books by Black authors.

Remembrance Day 2022

As a school, we marked the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day with an Act of Worship and the traditional two minute silence to honour those affected by war. In the library, we commemorated the occasion further with this display of books about WWI, WWII, wars that are still ongoing, and wars we hope will never happen.

Display of books for Remembrance Day including paper poppies.

Disability History Month

In the library, we are always seeking to diversify our collection to reflect our student body, as well as people in the wider world, and representing mental and physical disabilities is part of that. Under UK law, the term ‘disability’ also includes some people who might not classify themselves as having a disability, for example people with autism. It also covers some long-term illnesses, such as cancer and HIV, whatever stage they are at.

In our DHM book display, we have included books written about OCD, epilepsy, autism, spinal muscular dystrophy, musculoskeletal problems, eating disorders, dementia, dyslexia, ADHD, and terminal illness. I hope to have an even wider range of diverse books available by next year.

Display of books for Disability History Month.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Sixth Form
Aspley Lane

E-mail: BAAsixthform@bluecoat.uk.com
Tel: 0115 900 7215

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